

Our goal at Vaēso is to collectively help our industry become world-class manufacturers using our ERW Eradicate Waste app and change agent methodology. In the electronic and auto industries, only those manufacturers who rapidly moved from high-waste levels to low waste, survived. Our industry is riddled with high levels of Manufacturing 15-Wastes:


Energy, Water,
Solids, Land-Use


Untapped Talent, Job Performance, Adaptation-Experimentation, Work Environment


Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing, Defects

We at Vaēso have the expertise and knowledge to help your Team begin its World-Class Manufacturer journey. Transformation begins with the Eradication of your 15-wastes. All of these can be eliminated with Vaēso's ERW - Eradicate Waste app the only solution using Ultra-High-Frequency RFID manufacturing tracking technology.

Current Climate - Adapt or Struggle to Survive

The cut and sew manufacturing industry is continuously bombarded with a never-ending stream of challenges and pressures: margins under pressure, increasing regulations, double-digit labor inflation, limited discipline-accountability and enforcement of systems, processes and procedures.

Manufacturers must evolve or risk becoming uncompetitive. It sooner or later happens in all industries: computers, telecommunications, consumer electronics, auto... The earlier you start, the faster you will begin to earn a respectable return for the time, energy and resources you are investing in your business.

3-Steps to Rapid Profitable Transformation

In three steps, move your factories from high-to-low manufacturing waste levels:

  • Get a 3-days assessment with feedback on waste-reduction achievable in the first 12-weeks of using Vaēso’s ERW Eradicate Manufacturing Waste service-solution

  • Execute a 10-line proof of concept

  • Roll-out to all your lines in all of your locations

Get The Vaēso Effect

Although we at Vaēso are very process oriented, we are beyond a solution. We are rapid change agents creating what we call the Vaēso Effect:

Your Team

We coach and mentor your Team and provide them with the latest global-industry best practices

Low Variance

Create smooth operations, reducing your process variance-waste

Low Waste

You move from high to low-waste levels

Time to Think

Provide thinking time for leaders to work on waste removal

Respectable Profit

Ignite profit making

World Class

Become a World-Class Manufacturer

The ultimate consequence of The Vaēso Effect is radiating TRUST within your entire manufacturing ecosystem!